
Governor Spitzer's Actions

College Democrats,

The Executive Board of the College Democrats has made a commitment to keep you informed of major issues affecting our campus, our state and our country. We've also made a promise to take strong stances on the issues that directly relate to how we move forward as young progressives. Today, we continue to fulfill that promise, in light of the breaking news concerning Governor Eliot Spitzer.

The Columbia University College Democrats condemn the actions of Governor Eliot Spitzer. Governor Spitzer campaigned on cleaning up Albany. His promises to establish robust ethics and campaign reform gave New Yorkers hope that new leadership could create a more effective and more transparent governing system for the state. Today, the Governor's actions have put those goals in jeopardy. His behavior may have torn the rug out from under a strong progressive movement in this state that was headed for success in the state senate elections this Fall. Governor Spitzer's conduct gives the GOP ammunition for the fall campaign in a way that could derail our goal of reforming the way politics works in New York.

We emphasize the word could. Politics in this state is bigger than any one man, no matter how that man has behaved in his personal life. Politics in this state is about reform. Reform of Albany, reform of back room politics and reform of ethics. These are ideas that the Columbia University College Democrats have fought for across the state and will continue to fight for in the months to come. This is the moment as Columbia Democrats to rally behind ideas, and tell the state GOP that our ideas are the right ones for New York and that these ideas WILL prevail in November. This is an organization committed to activism and in that light we provide you with the following opportunities to get involved in state politics. Instead of shaking your head with disgust and saying we want no part in this process, we ask you to shake your head in disgust and then jump in to the process to create meaningful change. We cannot just be participants, we have to be leaders of this party. It is our voices that have been missing from the process and we believe, especially in light of today's news, that it is ONLY our voices that can ever change the way politics is done in the state of New York.

Ways to get involved:

1) Adopt-a-District
The Activist Council of the College Democrats has "adopted" the 15th Senate District of New York, and from now until November we will work toward electing a progressive State Senator over the the incumbent Republican, Serphin Maltese. Email ac.cudems@gmail.com for more information

2) Summer Internship - Students for a New American Politics PAC
is a federal political action committee offering students the opportunity to get progressive leaders elected to Congress next fall. SNAP Fellows will be given full-time field organizing placements on key congressional campaigns across the country, working for progressive candidates who have been endorsed by SNAP and whom we believe can win and can use our help. The deadline for applications is March 15. You can find more information on the fellowship and our organization online at http://www.snappac.org.

3) Work for the State Party
Email Sarah Leonard at srl2126@columbia.edu for more information

4) Lobby in Albany
Join Dems Umbrella Group SAME (Students Allied for Marriage Equality) to lobby on a variety of important pieces of LGBT legislation in Albany on April 29th. For more information, contact Jeremy Constancio at jsc2138@columbia.edu or Chris Daniels at cvd2102@columbia.edu.

If you're a member, keep on working hard and getting involved. If not, this is the time to help us build a stronger Democratic Party. If you have a new idea or are unsure how to get involved, email Josh Lipsky at jsl2120@columbia.edu


Josh Lipsky
President, Columbia University College Democrats

Chris Daniels
Vice President, Columbia University College Democrats