
Lukewarm reception ahead

Tomorrow night Bush will give his State of the Union Address, but how will the Congress and Americans respond? Judging from the election results, end of the 100 Hour Plan and Bush's overwhelming opposition to the will of the American people, it looks like the response is set to be cool.

Aside from Democrats being in control of both chambers of Congress, Republicans aren't exactly excited about their leader's political tactics. Case in point: the Senate Foreign Relations Committee which saw Senators Snowe and Hegel siding with Democrats over the ridiculous troop surge idea. Standing ovations should be rare. And having Speaker Pelosi sitting behind Bush in the direct view of the camera will be awesome--opposition will be there for all viewers to see at all times.

Apparently Bush is set to discuss alternative energy (nuclear, ethanol (BOOOO), hybrid cars, etc). I suppose he finally went back on his prediction that the war in Iraq would make oil prices cheaper.

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