
McCain a tool and other Republican nonsense

It looks like next week is the battle royale for Iraq policy. After Obama's orgasmic speech rallied all of us yesterday, here comes the parade of idiots to bring it all down. And who's leading the march? Why no other than Sen. McCain!

While the lollygaggers aren't voting on Obama's in the works binding resolution, they're planning on voting down the non-binding resolutions. Why? Well, “We all know the world is watching,” said Senator Saxby Chambliss, Republican of Georgia. Go drink your mint julep and shut up. Yes, the whole world is watching. And yes, the whole world will think that that you all are still the most short-sighted, out of touch, idiotic party around. Looks like it's going to be chaos in the halls of the Senate come next week. Expect intense debate and wonderful speeches from presidential candidates.

Hooray democracy.

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