
The Senate Foriegn Relation Committee voted on quite the partisan resolution yesterday. In a move to show how much they dispise the escalation plan in Iraq, they actually voted on a resolution to condemn President Bush's plan. The best part? It passed 12-9, with Sen. Hegel joining the the rest of Chairman Biden's Contingent for the Force of Good, ie Democrats.

Meanwhile with Wolf Blitzer in the Situation Room, none other then Cheney was being interviewed about Iraq. Blitzer described him as "in a word, defiant, saying about the idea of any kind of resolution from the Senate, quote, 'It won't stop us.'" Here's a money quote from Cheney, "We are moving forward. The Congress has control over the purse strings. They have the right, obviously, if they want to cut off funding, but in terms of this effort the President has made his decision and I think it's far too soon for the talking heads on television to conclude that it's impossible to do."

Give me a break. Sorry that your grand strategy failed in its beginnings, failed in its mission, and continues to fail today. Such failure would normally mean a change in a policy. It's like the Bush administration is a kid that keeps touching a hot stove, but never learns that the stove is HOT. It will burn your hand. So either quit touching it or get an oven mitt. It is amazing how out of touch these people really are.

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