
No Go for Joe

As a Sabbath-observant Jew myself, I have nothing but respect for Senator Lieberman's (I-CT) decision to put his faith first over the years, refusing to, among other things, campaign on the Sabbath, and voting in Congress only when absolutely crucial - that is, to say, when lives are on the line. You can imagine my dismay, then, when I read that this past Saturday "Joementum" walked to the Hill to cast a vote against allowing for debate of a non-binding Senate resolution symbolically opposing the McCain-endorsed escalation of the War in Iraq. Apparently, Lieberman feels so strongly that any Congressional debate of our increasingly murky mission in Iraq would give comfort to the enemy that he's willing to violate the sanctity of the Sabbath to keep his colleagues from so much as opening discussion as to the efficacy of an American mission that has left 3000 of our own servicemen and women dead, not to mention hundreds of thousands of Iraqi men, women, and children. For shame, Joe, for shame.

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