
Target: Obama

Barack has been catching flack from all sorts of frightened right-wingers since he announced his candidacy officially, but by far the most interesting has just come in from nutty Australian Prime Minister John Howard. Mr. Howard believes that the terrorists should be hoping for an Obama victory (is this sounding familiar?) due to Obama's plan to withdraw from Iraq.

Mr. Howard is apparently so committed to prolonging the disaster in Mesopotamia that he has agreed to deploy an additional 25,000 troops to Iraq in lieu of the proposed American surge. Just kidding, Australia still has only 1,400 troops in Iraq. I am certainly not one to argue for more feet on the ground in a war that is only hurting all involved, but I also think that these wingnuts should hesitate to criticize sacrifices being made by others as not big enough when they themselves refuse to sacrifice anything. Here is a further illustration of Mr. Howard's understanding of the intricacies of Middle East politics:

He said that defeat for the US would end hopes for peace in the Palestinian Territories and cause widespread destabilisation in countries such as Saudi Arabia and Jordan.

UPDATE: Australian Labour Leader Kevin Rudd gives a response to Mr. Howard that many Congressional Democrats would do well to watch over and over.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The line this post is closed with: ..."many Congressional Democrats would do well to watch over and over" is clearly plagiarized from the very blog you link to, which writes: "The Democratic Party should view this clip over and over again." If I wanted to read the content of other people's blogs, I would read other people's blogs. Please try to come up with your own material, or at the very least credit your sources.