
Regime Change Done Right

From within, that is. It looks like real change is on the way in Zimbabwe, where it does not seem that Mugabe will hold on much longer. The crackdown on dissent has been bloody, but nothing like what we have seen in Iraq, of course. Consider: would this be under way if the West had decided to invade at some point after Mugabe thumbed his nose at us? Even if the regime does not fall for a year or five years to come, surely this slow process of genuine revolt is preferable to a bloody attack from outsiders. And should not conservatives agree with that?

The BBC on mounting pressure in Zimbabwe

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Shit this is embarrassing.

Zimbabwe has a 4,000% inflation (NOT a typo, by the way) rate and over 80% unemployment. It was the breadbasket of southern Africa; now it is one of the most politically, economically and socially backward countries on earth--think Turkmenistan under the Niyazov regime, only Zimbabwe, unlike Turkmenistan, has politically-relavent neighbors capable of externally encouraging regime change within a country that's needed it for the past 25 yaers (keeping in mind that Mugabe has been in power since 1981, I believe...which means that by your logic the world should give every tyrant a free 25 years to abuse his people. More outrageously, you suggest that the world should rely on "people power" for regime change, which simply isn't possible in a place like Zimbabwe that has such little semblance of a civil society).

But South Africa has so done little to encourage opposition to Zimbabwe's tyrannical leader, and has been historically ineffective at pressuring for political or economic change in that country. "Regime change done right" would have involved a strong regional and international response to the third most tragically irresponsible tyrant on the planet (behind the Niyazov regime and Kim Jong Il)-not 25 years of complacency followed by some protests.

Also there is no equivalency whatsoever between Iraq and Zimbabwe. None. That you suggest that there is any...again, embarrassing.