

Ahmadinejad is now asking questions of his own. To paraphrase...

As he remains primarily an academic who teaches university courses, he addresses us a fellow academic, but was attacked by "certain groups". "Palestine is an old wound." Repeating "sixty years" and outlining all of the bad results of the Israeli occupation. Nothing incorrect so far, but I bet he's going to finish with something just a bit offensive. "As an academic, I ask two questions":

  1. "Given that the HOlocaust is a present reality of our time, a history that occurred, why is there not sufficient research that can approach the topic from different perspectives?" Uh, right... "There are researchers who want to approach the topic from different perspectives, why are they being put in prison?" Fine, Europeans shouldn't be putting Holocaust deniers in prison--I agree--but calling these people "academics" is beyond ludicrous. And the Holocaust is not nuclear physics--it's pretty clear what happened.
  2. "Given this historical event, if it is a reality, we still need to ...?... why the Palestinian people need to pay for it." And so on--you can guess the rest.
Now he's talking about Iranian nuclear ambitions. Since the bylaws of the IAEA state that member states have the right to peaceful nuclear technology, he wonders why his program is a problem? He is apparently going to stand by his claim that Iran only has peaceful nuclear ambitions, which no one really believes. He's also challenging Americans about our insistence on a right to nuclear energy. Unfortunate that his solution is more nuclear proliferation instead of a reduction in existing use of nuclear technology.

I doubt that spare parts for civilian aircraft are really a major plank of Iranian nuclear energy policy.

"We are a peaceful, loving nation--we love all nations". And scene. Questions now.

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