
Media Matters Roundup: CHIP Edition

On September 18, 2007, the Columbia University College Democrats conducted a phone banking drive to put pressure on Representatives Peter King and Jim Walsh, both NY Republicans to rethink their votes on the Children's Health Insurance Program reauthorization. Over the course of the day, activists made over 150 phone calls to the two Congressional offices. The effort paid off, both Congressmen voted "yea" on the conferenced version of bill . In total, the roll call vote garnered 265 yeas to 159 nays, just 25 votes shy of a veto-proof majority.

Borrowing a page from the CU College Dems' playbook, the DCCC (Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee) is funding automated (ROBO) calls in seven competitive Congressional districts, hoping to change a couple of Republicans' minds.

Via TPM, D-Trip is also running radio ads against eight vulnerable Republicans for their votes on CHIP reauthorization. Reps. Steve Chabot (OH-01), Thelma Drake (VA-02), Tom Feeney (FL-24), Sam Graves (MO-06), Joe Knollenberg (MI-09), Randy Kuhl (NY-29), Jim Saxton (NJ-03), and Tim Walberg (MI-07).

Looks like the pressure's on. White House spokeswoman Dana Perino was really on the defensive today when asked questions about CHIP.

Keep tabs on the CHIP veto showdown. If you see anything, comment to this post and we'll keep a running media update going.

~ Jonathan

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Lol, borrowing a page from the Dems handbook?