
CU College Democrats to Host DNC Chairman Howard Dean

Party Leader to Outline Vision for Student Activism

Governor Howard Dean, the Chairman of the Democratic National Committee will speak at Columbia University on February 25, 2008 at 5:00 P.M. in Low Memorial Library. In honor of the Columbia University College Democrats being recognized as the College Democrats of America Chapter of the year for 2007-2008, Dean will speak students about the importance of student activism.

As the head of the Democratic Party, Governor Dean has laid the framework for a 50-state strategy. Under his leadership, the Democratic National Committee has stationed organizers in every state, built strong ties with state Democratic parties, and has become more involved in local politics in an attempt to build new party infrastructure and to uncover the leaders of the future in states in which Democrats have traditionally struggled to compete.

Like Howard Dean, the Columbia University College Democrats believe that the party must make a concerted effort to compete nationwide in local, state, and national elections. Over the past four years, the Columbia University College Democrats have campaigned for candidates in Kentucky, Virginia, and Ohio – states where Democrats have enjoyed newfound electoral success due to a Democratic Party with broader horizons. We believe that the values and ideas of the Democratic Party have great appeal to all Americans, regardless of geographic location. At a time when years of Republican leadership has eroded America’s reputation across the globe, created staggering deficits, and failed to tackle the grave domestic concerns of the day, the Democratic Party can and must assert an alternative policy vision around the country.

Multiple chapters of College Democrats of America exist in each of the 50 states. These clubs contain bright, passionate, and committed leaders who want to change the way politics works in this country. Governor Dean will articulate a vision for how students can lead the way in implementing the 50-state strategy. Students can register to hear Governor Dean speak by sending an email to dean@cudemocrats.com with their full name, school, and year. Press or ticket inquiries should be directed towards Jonathan Backer, who ca be reached at jback87@gmail.com or by phone at 414-840-9199.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So happy you are doing this. Howard Dean has built up the Dem Party again from the ground up, not ceding a single state to the Republicans despite groans from the Party regulars about "throwing money away." He is the main reason why IMHO we are now in a position to take back the White House and increase our lead in Congress in 2008. He is also an inspiring speaker and one of the few political speakers who actually sounds like an intelligent human being.