
Because sticking it to the nutjobs is always fun...

I just thought I'd rehash the cover story from the National Review on May 9, 2005.

The first sentence: "It is time to say it unequivocally: We are winning in Iraq."

The rest here.

Regime Change Done Right

From within, that is. It looks like real change is on the way in Zimbabwe, where it does not seem that Mugabe will hold on much longer. The crackdown on dissent has been bloody, but nothing like what we have seen in Iraq, of course. Consider: would this be under way if the West had decided to invade at some point after Mugabe thumbed his nose at us? Even if the regime does not fall for a year or five years to come, surely this slow process of genuine revolt is preferable to a bloody attack from outsiders. And should not conservatives agree with that?

The BBC on mounting pressure in Zimbabwe

Senator McCain: "..."

A question about the effectiveness of condoms in preventing the spread of H.I.V. stumped Senator McCain, leading to a rather awkward and revealing moment in McCain's '08 campaign.

Senator McCain, this is not a matter of opinion. This is science. The use of condoms dramatically reduces the risk of contracting sexually transmitted diseases and infections, including H.I.V. Please stop this ridiculous pandering to the socially conservative right.


Another one.

You have got to be kidding me. Newt Gingrich not only had an affair while pursuing Clinton's impeachment, but he actually stands by his decision.

"Gingrich argued in the interview, however, that he should not be viewed as a hypocrite for pursuing Clinton's infidelity."

hyp·o·crite [hip-uh-krit] –noun

a person who pretends to have virtues, moral or religious beliefs, principles, etc., that he or she does not actually possess, esp. a person whose actions belie stated beliefs.


Fair and Balanced



The Verdict is In

Former Cheney Chief of Staff Scooter Libby has been found guilty of four counts of perjury, obstruction of justice, and making false statements for his role in the outing of CIA agent Valerie Plame.

We've known for years that the men (and token women) running Bush's White House are incompetent, but criminally so? This is a sad day for America.


White House Fails to Protect Chemical Plants After Bowing to Pressure From Labor Leaders, Environmentalists, Scientists

Just Kidding.

Rudolph the Red-Faced Father

Commendation is due to Gawker for their insight into the true Rudy Giuliani and for their coverage of his rather pathetic feud with his uber-spoiled son. I have never been a fan of hounding the children of Dick Cheney and Bill Frist just to point out that their fathers are hypocrites (like more proof was necessary), but I think "sorry Dad, I have to go golfing for the next two years straight" says something about the quality of the parenting at hand, not just about genetics.


Coulter Strikes Again

During an address at this weekend's Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC), Ann Coulter called former US Senator John Edwards (D-NC) a faggot, to raucous applause. And it's on video.

There are no words.


Galileo Redux

Texas State Rep. Warren Chisum, a nine-term Democrat-turned-Republican, recently forwarded a memo to every member of the Texas State House that challenged the notions of a heliocentric Universe as heretical. You read that correctly—a sitting legislator, charged with managing complex issues like global warming and energy security in the Internet age refuses to believe that the Earth revolves around the Sun. We'd make a snarky comment, but we think the quote below speaks for itself:

"Indisputable evidence - long hidden but now available to everyone - demonstrates conclusively that so-called secular evolution science is the Big Bang 15-billion-year alternate 'creation scenario' of the Pharisee Religion,"